Shedir Pharma Scandalo | Preventions for Kidney Stones

Shedir Pharma Scandalo
4 min readOct 26, 2021

Solid crystals grow inside the kidneys, causing kidney stones. They bind to the urinary tract as well. According to studies, kidney stones impact more than 10% of the world’s population. An underlying condition, as well as particular foods, can induce kidney stones. In patients who have kidney stones, genetics also plays a significant impact. According to studies, 40% of persons with kidney stones have relatives who also have the condition. Although there is no one technique to avoid kidney stones, lifestyle changes, medicine, and food can all assist.

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Cut down Sodium Intake

When it comes to kidney stones, calcium is frequently blamed as the major cause. This might be related to the name and content of the product. Many patients are perplexed as to why their kidney stone recurs after they reduce their calcium intake. Some even admitted that they had been told to cut back on their consumption. Nonetheless, they develop kidney stones. The reality is that a low-protein diet might raise your chances of acquiring kidney stones. As a result, you don’t need to limit your calcium consumption. Simply reduce your salt intake while combining calcium-rich foods with o Alaye-rich foods.

Take Supplements and Vitamins

Many over-the-counter supplements and vitamins can assist to minimise the incidence of kidney stones. Vitamin D, B-12, B-6, Calcium, Thiamin, Potassium Citrate, Fish Oil, and other nutrients are among them. Supper, on the other hand, is not controlled in the same way that other medications are. As a result, if you are taking medication, it is critical to speak with your doctor. You can also have a supplement described for you by a medical professional.

Avoid Over Sweating

While muscle-building and other high-intensity activities are beneficial to our general health, they can also cause kidney stones. According to studies, significant water loss in the body causes reduced urine output. Sweating, the heat of summer, and exercise are all common causes of water loss in the body. The kidney produces less pee when you sweat a lot. Minerals that cause the stone to settle and bind in the kidney and urinary system are allowed to do so.

Drinking enough water while doing a high-intensity activity is one strategy to keep this from happening. Also, in the summer, avoid spending too much time in the sun. Staying hydrated promotes urine production and prevents the creation of stone-forming materials.

Take The Right Medication

A kidney stone is one of the most excruciating things a person may go through. Unfortunately, it frequently resurfaces. Patients with kidney stones have an increased risk of developing another one, according to studies. According to several studies, 50% of kidney stone patients do not always follow nephrologists’ and urinary experts’ advice. 20% of people do not take their prescription medications as prescribed, and 40% do not follow nutritionists’ advice. Without the proper medicine and nutrition, kidney stones frequently recur. The recurrence of kidney stones can also be caused by other disorders.

Eat Dietary Calcium

Calcium-rich foods bind to oxalate in the gut, lowering the quantity of oxalate that enters the circulation and is eliminated by the kidney. This mechanism lowers oxalate binding to urinary calcium and lowers oxalate content in the urine. As a result, the danger of kidney stones is reduced.

Calcium is abundant in dairy products. Orange juice, tofu, buttermilk, cheese, spinach, sardines, and a variety of other foods are among them.

Minimize Oxalate-Rich Food

Natural molecules called oxalates bind with calcium in the urine to produce kidney stones. As a result, limiting your intake of oxalate-rich foods will aid in the prevention of the condition. Chocolate, coffee, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and a variety of other foods are high in oxalate. Incorporating calcium- and oxalate-rich foods into your diet can also help you avoid kidney stones. This is due to the fact that calcium and oxalate bind together only in the digestive tract, making it difficult for the stone to form once the meal reaches the kidney.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity puts a lot of strain on the kidneys. Being overweight makes the kidneys work harder and filter waste at a higher rate than normal. Kidney disease is frequently exacerbated as a result of this. Maintaining a healthy body weight makes it easier for the kidneys to function properly. As a result, it is critical to be conscious of your weight and to take steps to lower it when necessary. However, the reduction must be gradual and safe.

Reduce Salt Intake

Sodium induces water retention in the body, which leads to dehydration. To reduce water retention, the Food and Drug Administration recommends that individuals ingest no more than one table salt or teaspoon of salt each day. Water retention can also be exacerbated by eating high-salt foods on a regular basis. Potato chips, quick noodles, packaged beef, and a variety of other meals are among the items available.



Shedir Pharma Scandalo

Shedir Pharma è un’azienda leader nel settore all’ingrosso di integratori che organizza viaggi e convegni in tutto il mondo.